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Self-Offense Flow



Suicide, violence, assault and addiction are epidemic across tribal communities. [National research has shown that childhood trauma is an underlying cause of many disparities including substance abuse, domestic violence, diabetes, heart disease, early death and much more.] However, unfortunately, one recent study has found that support services and especially preventative services are fragmented or even missing throughout the tribal nations. 


Our Response 


We teach a go-to, custom flow for students wishing to learn Self Offense, a proactive and instinctual offense  against any weak-minded attacker who immediately becomes the one under attack. There is a  distract-attack-finish-and-go flow that is unique and therefore natural, to each of us. Know it, visualize it and become stronger and more confident in the world. 


Our Self Offense workshops are available to all.  In these workshops, protectors learn a practical set of skills to be able to keep and share within their own communities. Participants who know of a need for further instruction within their communities have the option to apply for scholarship. The scholarship provides an avenue for a community advocate to invite our experienced trainers to customize a training program with them and support its development into a strong, impactful community.



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