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Chief Kindness Teams Up to Launch Nations Rising

Nations Rising

After spending a lifetime in service with Dennis Banks and AIM, seeing world-changing actions from the frontlines, Chief Kindness is Not ready to take a break. Far from throwing in the towel he is as passionate as ever to adapt, to innovate, to walk, to pray, to speak, to organize, to go to work for Mother Earth. 

There has been a lot of change in recent years - the founders of AIM are travelling on, climate-related weather events have grown in severity, politics and current affairs have given light and energy to a reality many have been complacent on up till now.  By these conditions, has Nations Rising been born. 

Nations Rising is sincerely interested in addressing the biggest challenges of our time.  We are spearheading a movement of Solutions Activism with the intention to do so as our highest selves

We are a growing Collective of people doing cool things. We are a Soul Lab empowering those who need help doing cool things. We are a Peace Thinkery getting the knowledge, that is power, out to the world. 

Our intent is to attract resources toward the mission of the Red Road Warrior Society and to honor our roots, the legacy of AIM, and our Grandmother Earth, loving all of hers - the Red, Yellow, Black, and White Two-legged Nation, the Four-legged Nation, the Winged Nation, the Swimming and Crawling Nation, the Rooted and Grounded Nations. We are about all Nations Rising together.

We can always be better; the site can be faster, more clear. The programs can be better funded to reach farther. The message can be shared through networks, programs and organizations we haven’t thought of yet.  We are open to mentorship, partnership, friendship and love.

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